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电话: 021-62112799-8809
传真: 021-62112522
姓名: Michael Hu
Shanghai Aquaria Home Development Co., Ltd (China)

  SAHD company is a professional manufacturer in breeding all kinds of aquarium fish,and has a cultivation area of 333500 aquare meters ,breeding more than 10 million product fish *域名隐藏* registerd in Entry-Exit Inspection &Quarantine Bureau of China,we offer top quality ornamental fish with competitive price,lowest *域名隐藏* . The water quality of our farm is fine and pollution free,therefore,our fish is extremely beautiful and lovely and has a good reputation from domestic and international customers....

主要产品/业务: goldfish,tropical fish, K.O.I

Shanghai Aquaria Home Development Co., Ltd (China) / 上海 / 86-21-62112799-8809 (200050 ) / 电话:021-62112799-8809

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